Tower Garden Grow Guide: How To Grow Strong, Healthy Seedlings
The key to a healthy garden starts with strong seedlings. Whether you start your garden from seed, or purchase seedlings from a seedling provider, the overall success of your garden will depend on the quality and health of the seedlings used when starting the garden. If you use weak seedlings, you’ll probably end up with slow-growing, unproductive plants that invite pests and other problems. In this guide, you’ll learn seven techniques that professional growers use to cultivate hearty seedlings that become fruitful plants. 7 Steps of Growing Spectacular Seedlings With so many advantages, you may be wondering, “Why doesn’t everyone start from seed?” Well, frankly, it’s slower and a little more challenging. This guide will help you master the process. Let’s dig in. Decide the best time to plant your seeds. As with most gardening activities, seedling success has a lot to do with timing. Start your plants too early, and an unexpected frost might kill them. Start them too late, and they may not have enough time to mature. Fortunately, seeds often come with planting schedules stamped on their packet. But if yours don’t, there are also planting calendars you can reference. Gather all the supplies you’ll need Cultivating healthy seedlings requires only a few things. First and foremost, you’ll need the seeds. You can order high-quality seeds online or from seed catalogs. [...]